Professor Jeff Wallack pointed out that an egg weighs about 50 grams, contains 7 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat, and can produce 82 kcal of heat. Its amino acid ratio is very suitable for the physiological needs of the human body and is easily absorbed by the body. And the utilization rate is as high as 98%. Eggs are high in calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A and B, which are the best ingredients for building muscle.

In addition, Dr. Wallack pointed out that a large egg yolk contains 4-5 grams of fat, which is also unsaturated fat that is good for heart health. It is rich in vitamin B that can break down fat, help repair cell membranes, and is beneficial to muscle growth.

Although eggs are good, they should not be eaten in large amounts, especially for athletes. Eating too many eggs can easily increase the burden on the liver and kidneys. Professor Jeff Wallack pointed out that strength training is suitable for people of all ages, and the optimal amount of food intake also depends on the age group. Usually the elderly eat 1-2 pieces a day, young and middle-aged people eat 2 pieces a day, and heavy manual workers , you can eat 2-3 pieces a day. Children have fast metabolism, so they can also eat 2-3 pieces a day.