In this article you will learn the some tips to reduce the likelihood of getting sick during the flu season.

The flu season is upon us and its always a struggle to stay healthy (especially with if you have young kids at home) and able to work, plus support your families needs. Don’t worry because there are some proven tips to reduce the likelihood of you spending days on end in bed. Most of these tips are easy to do and won’t need expensive drugs to get the results you are looking for.

Here are some tips for reducing your chance of getting sic during the flu season:

???? Eat green leafy vegetables.

???? Get the daily recommended value of vitamin D.

???? Exercise daily.

???? Be sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day.

???? Limit alcohol intake.

???? Wash your hands often.

???? Stay up to date with your flu vaccines.

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