Don't question Ben Booker when it comes to arm training. This guy is an expert. Whenever he walks into the gym, he leaves his ego at the door and focuses on what he calls the "3F's": Formula, Focus, and Failure.
If there was an arm race, Ben Booker would have any fitness fanatic at his feet. His training volume is very large, starting with biceps training and ending with triceps training. His training program is centered around total volume rather than total weight. Ben will implement this plan twice a week, the first time is strong training (Translator's Note: heavy weight), and the second time is light weight training.
Today, Ben Booker will make a real man out of you. His training programs will leave your arms screaming for mercy while pumping away hard. Can you bear the pain? Then please enter his domain!

Ben Booker's Arm Superset Program

Practice movements, sets*reps, movement explanation

The first 3 sets of barbell curls are 8-12 repetitions, with a rest time of 90 seconds between sets, and the fourth set is 21 repetitions
Secrets to Barbell Curls:
1. If you are exhausted early, you can perform half-distance training, but you must ensure that this half-distance training can stimulate your entire biceps. What you should pay attention to is the number of repetitions per set, not the actual weight selected, and try to complete the movements as standard as possible.
2. Reduce the weight and do 21 reps on the fourth set. 7 were completed in the second half, 7 were completed in the first half, and 7 were completed in the full course.

SuperLevel group

3 sets of standing rope curls, 12-15 repetitions per set

Do 3 sets of pull-ups, do each set to failure, rest for 90 seconds between sets
The Secret to Super Grouping:
1. Don’t rest between standing cable curls and pull-ups. Rest for 90 seconds after completing the pull-up.
2. When performing standing cable curls, the other hand should serve as a support.

4 sets of supine arm extensions, 15 repetitions each, 90 seconds rest between sets
The secret to supine arm extensions:
1. In the last set, place the bar behind your head and fully stretch your triceps until failure. Your forearms will be on fire after this modified set.

rope2 sets of cable pull-downs, 10-12 repetitions per set, 90 seconds rest between sets
The Secret to Rope Pulldowns:
1. Focus on the triceps brachii and try not to use other muscle groups to complete the movement.

2 sets of reverse-grip rope pulldowns, 10-12 repetitions per set, 90 seconds rest between sets
The Secret to Underhand Grip Cable Pulldowns:
1. Ben likes to keep his forearms at a 90-degree angle to his upper arms as he rises. This will ensure that you maintain constant control of the weight throughout the movement.
2. If you don’t need to reduce the weight in each set, it proves that your movements are irregular. You should reach failure on every set.

2 sets of single-arm cable pull-downs, 10-12 repetitions per set, 90 seconds rest between sets
Secrets to One-Arm Cable Pulldowns:
1. Focus on the inner triceps.


1 set of alternating dumbbell curls, 20 repetitions

1 set of parallel bar arm extensions, 20 repetitions

Secrets to supergroups:
Your muscles are beginning to fatigue, so choose a lighter weight than usual to end the session for good.